Click on the picture to be redirected to the story
Oded Cohen writes a letter to his grandson Alon with a gripping story about his life in the Dutch East Indies
Historian Rob Snijders
beautiful story about the historyof theJewish Congregation in
The Dutch East Indies
Rick Franke talks about his uncles Edo en Clem in
the Dutch East Indies
Three stories by Gerard Martèl about life during the Second World War in
Dutch East Indies
(Dutch Only)
Dinah Singelenberg tells
how her parents, brothers and sister returned to the Netherlands as Warga Negara Indonesia
Kurt Robert Georg
Léon Algra
My memoires
Arie F.E. Korver
Jacobus Johannes Borger
My time in the camp
Hans Vervoort
Do you want to secure an English translation which is not yet available please send us an email with the family name of the story and we will email it to you as soon as possible
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