Dirk Kol van Kluijve with his sisters

Dirk Kol van Kluijve sr.

Johannes Kol van Kluijve with his Sister Johanna who married Ferdinand Johan Rienks

Johannes and his musical friends

Kundry around 1 years old with my Grandmother

Henrietta Catherina Alexandrina Kol van Kluyve - Vermast

Grandma with mum

Grandma, Aunt Bertha and Kundry in the Hugo de Vrieslaan 10, Medan

Kundry just before the war in 1941 in Medan

School in Medan, Teacher was Miss van Hell and was true to her name.

Kundry is zitting in the front row, far left

My grandparents house on the Hugo de Vrieslaan 10, in Medan